IFTTT: Notification Inputs

Step 1: Create a new shortcut

Using Apple's Shortcuts app, create a new shortcut and set its name to Mail Drop.

Step 2: Set it to appear in the Share Sheet

Tap in the settings button in the upper right and toggle the "Show in Share Sheet" option.

Step 3: Make the shortcut receive text

Tap in the Any button in the action, deselect everything and select only Text.

Step 4: Insert the Add New Reminder action

Using the search bar in the bottom, look for the "Add New Reminder" action and tap on it.

Then, tap in the Reminder button and select the "Shortcut input" variable.

Step 5: Head to Pushcut and create a new notification

Tap on the plus sign in the top right corner of the Notifications tab in Pushcut.

Step 6: Name the notification

Name the new notification, then tap on Default Action.

Step 7: Open the shortcut selection view

Tap on the "No shortcut" row to select our shortcut.

Step 8: Select the Mail Drop shortcut

Use the search bar to look for the Mail Drop shortcut, then select it.

Step 9: Finish the default action selection

Tap on Done in the Default Action selection view.

Step 10: Add and save your notification

Tap on Add then on Done in the top right corner.

Step 11: Create a new IFTTT applet

Using the IFTTT app or website, create a new Applet.

IFTTT: Create Applet

Step 12: Add an email trigger

Tap in the Add button inside the "If Then" section, then search for email.

IFTTT: Choose the Email Service

Step 13: Pick a trigger

IFTTT provides two different email triggers. Let's use the first one: "Send IFTTT any email".

IFTTT: Email trigger options

Step 14: Connect your email to IFTTT

Follow the onscreen steps to connect your email to IFTTT.

Step 15: Open the action selection screen

Tap in the Add button inside the "Then That" section.

IFTTT: Choose the Then That action

Step 16: Pick the Pushcut action

Search for Pushcut in the search bar then tap on it.

IFTTT: Search for Pushcut

Step 17: Select Pushcut's action

Tap on the "Send a notification" action.

IFTTT: Pushcut action options

Step 18: Connect Pushcut to IFTTT

Follow the onscreen steps to connect Pushcut to your IFTTT account.

Step 19: Complete action fields (part 1/2)

Select the "Mail Drop" notification we've just created in the "Which notification" field.

IFTTT: Pushcut action fields

Step 20: Complete action fields (part 2/2)

Scroll down and remove all text from the Input field, except the Subject marker.

This input is going to be passed from IFTTT to Pushcut. Then, when we tap on our notification, this same input will be passed to the Mail Drop shortcut.

Tap on Create Action, then in Continue on the next screen.

Step 21: Review the Applet

Check the description of your new applet, and notice it'll work when sending emails from your connected account to IFTTT's trigger email: trigger@applet.ifttt.com.

Tap on Finish to create your Applet.

IFTTT: Review your email notification applet

Step 22: Test this automation

Send an email from the address you've connected in step 14 and see the Pushcut notification pop up.

Step 23: Tap the notification

When you tap the notification, the default action will be activated. It'll call our new shortcut and add the email subject as a new reminder!